Foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help With Dry Eyes?


I am someone who is constantly looking for new innovative ways to help alleviate dry eye and blepharitis symptoms. Over the years, I've tried over-the-counter eye drops, prescribed ointments and expensive in-office procedures like Blephex. Some have given me temporary relief while others made my symptoms worse. So the question remains, are there any natural supplements that can help ease symptoms long-term?

According to, Omega-3 in fish oil may help treat dry eyes because of their anti-inflammatory properties.

 Personally, I suffer more from symptoms brought on by blepharitis than dry eyes but my doctor also advised me to start taking Omega-3 fatty acid supplements as a form of treatment. Not only are Omega 3s good for your eyes, they actually have numerous other benefits like lowering your risk of heart disease, stroke and even dementia.

However, a study was conducted by the National Institute of Health  suggesting Omega-3 fatty acid supplements taken orally proved no better than placebo. 

Since a lot of research has mixed opinions regarding it's benefits, I choose to only get my dose of Omega-3 fatty acids the old-fashioned way, by eating a healthy diet. Our body doesn't have the ability to produce some on its own so it's vital we include some in our daily eating habits.

Here are 5 different foods that are highly enriched in Omega-3 fatty acids that will hopefully help curb some of your symptoms naturally.


Mackerel 🐟

Not a fish you probably hear of or see at the grocery very often but Mackerel leads the way by far with Omega-3 content averaging a whopping 2991 mg for only one piece of filet. Next time you are scouring the fish aisle at your local food store, keep your eyes open for this mini hulk-like fish. You can find it in cans, usually smoked or you can purchase it fresh. Either way, it's one of the tastiest and cheapest fish out there!


Pecans & Walnuts 🥜

These tasty treats are packed with tons of different nutrients including Omega-3 fatty acids. We all want to look younger so make sure to add these to your shopping basket, its skin contains phenol oxidants that protect our skin from early aging.


Salmon 🍣

The list wouldn't feel complete if Salmon wasn't mentioned. These high-flying, leaping fish are one of the most popular to eat in the world. With over 1800 mg of Omega-3 per three ounces, you can see why this super tasty fish packs a healthy punch.


Cold Pressed Olive Oil 🫒

 When it comes to cooking in general, You can put Olive Oil right next to Salt and Pepper for taste and popularity. It's also an incredible source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Extra virgin oil has very low amounts of acidity as well. Keep in mind, that you will reap more health benefits when it's used raw though.


Soybeans 🫘

Economically, this particular bean is very important and is counted on to provide vegetable protein to millions around the world. It's perfect for vegan and vegetarian eaters and contains around 400-500 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids per half cup.


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