Can Lasik Surgery Cause Dry Eyes?

Can Lasik Surgery Cause Dry Eyes?

Can LASIK Surgery Cause Dry Eyes?

In a world where technological advancements continue to reshape our lives, LASIK surgery stands out as a transformative procedure, offering individuals the opportunity to see the world with newfound clarity. LASIK, which stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis has been around for almost 25 years and this innovative surgery has become a popular choice for those seeking freedom from glasses or contact lenses ever since. While Lasik is generally safe, there are some side effects you should take into consideration. A common one individuals experience post LASIK is dry eyes. In this post, we will take a deeper look into the connection between LASIK surgery and dry eyes.


Are Dry Eyes A Temporary Side Effect From LASIK?

Not only are dry eyes a common side effect post LASIK, it’s actually expected. Based on the findings in a study by the National Library of Medicine, Immediately after LASIK, up to 95% of patients report some dry eye symptoms. Dry eye symptoms are reported in as high as 60% of patients 1 month after LASIK. The procedure can temporarily disrupt the normal production of tears and affect the quality of tears produced. This can lead to symptoms such as dryness, itching, burning sensations, and increased sensitivity to light.


Dry eyes after LASIK are typically temporary, and most individuals experience improvement in their symptoms as the eyes heal over time. The extent and duration of dry eye symptoms can vary from person to person, and while some people may have only mild and short-lived discomfort, others may experience more persistent dryness. 

It’s not a cause for concern to expect some degree of dry eye symptoms after LASIK, however in rare cases there is a small percentage for whom dry eye symptoms persist beyond the normal healing period and can become a long-term or chronic condition. Let’s dive into a few ways we can help minimise the severity and duration of dry eye symptoms:


  • Manage Pre-existing Dry Eye Conditions: If you have pre-existing dry eye conditions, manage them before undergoing LASIK. Speak to your eye care professional, they may recommend specific treatments or adjustments to improve the ocular surface.


  • Lubricating Eye Drops: Use lubricating eye drops or artificial tears regularly, even if you don't experience significant dryness. This helps maintain a healthy tear film and prevents dryness from worsening.


  • Hydration: Stay well-hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water. Proper hydration supports overall eye health and can potentially reduce long term risks of dry eyes.


  • Blinking Exercises: Although on average we blink around 21,000 times a day, it doesn’t hurt to practice blinking regularly, especially if you spend extended periods looking at screens. Blinking helps distribute tears across the cornea.


  • Use Humidifiers: In dry environments, consider using humidifiers to add moisture to the air, particularly in small indoor spaces like bedrooms or offices.


By taking these preventive measures, you can enhance your chances of a smooth recovery after LASIK and reduce the likelihood and severity of dry eye symptoms. Remember that individual responses to LASIK can vary, so open communication with your eye care professional is crucial throughout the process.


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